Nguyễn Thái Bình, was a contestant appeared on Ai Là Triệu Phú on April 21, 2015. He walked away at the 10th question and won ₫14,000,000.
Fastest Finger First[]
Fastest Finger First Question
Arrange these steps to make a grilled fish skewers dish.
⬥ A: Grilling
⬥ B: Seasoning
⬥ C: Fish processing
⬥ D: Skewing
The correct order was C - B - D - A. In this question, 7 of 9 contestants got it right and the fastest was Thái Bình with the time of 4.74 seconds, made it to the Hot Seat.
Nguyễn Thái Bình's Run to ₫150,000,000[]
₫200,000 (1 of 15) - Not Timed
Which of these tubers is spicy?
⬥ A: Potato
⬥ B: Carrot
⬥ C: Lotus root
⬥ D: Ginger
₫400,000 (2 of 15) - Not Timed
What is the name of a species of flower?
⬥ A: Thuổng (Boat)
⬥ B: Mai (Apricot blossom)
⬥ C: Rìu (Axe)
⬥ D: Cuốc (Hoe)
₫600,000 (3 of 15) - Not Timed
Dry and stiff hair is likened to?
⬥ A: Rễ tre (Bamboo root, first meaning)
⬥ B: Rễ gạo (Rice root)
⬥ C: Rễ trúc (Bamboo root, second meaning)
⬥ D: Rễ chanh (Lemon root)
₫1,000,000 (4 of 15) - Not Timed
What is the name of the bone in the ankle?
⬥ A: Mắt cá (Fish eyes)
⬥ B: Mắt mèo (Cat eyes)
⬥ C: Mắt gà (Chicken eyes)
⬥ D: Mắt heo (Pig eyes)
The right answer meaning huckle-bone.
₫2,000,000 (5 of 15) - Not Timed
What is the name of a type of hair?
⬥ A: Muối mặn (Salty salt)
⬥ B: Muối chanh (Lemon salt)
⬥ C: Muối tiêu (Salt and pepper)
⬥ D: Muối ớt (Salt and chili)
The right answer means "grey hair".
₫3,000,000 (6 of 15) - Not Timed
What does the Ctrl+Z key combination in Microsoft Word do? "Ask the Audience" lifeline used