Ngô Ngọc Sơn, was a contestant appeared on Ai Là Triệu Phú on December 16, 2014. He walked away at the 10th question and won ₫14,000,000.
Fastest Finger First[]
Fastest Finger First Question
Arrange these steps to make a crispy roast pork dish.
⬥ A: Wash the meat
⬥ B: Seasoning
⬥ C: Take out of the oven, let the meat cool
⬥ D: Put in the oven
The correct order was A - B - D - C. In this question, 8 of 9 contestants got it right and the fastest was Ngọc Sơn with the time of 3.07 seconds, made it to the Hot Seat.
Ngô Ngọc Sơn's Run to ₫150,000,000[]
₫200,000 (1 of 15) - Not Timed
MSG is the name of what?
⬥ A: A type of motorcycle
⬥ B: A type of cereal
⬥ C: A type of spice
⬥ D: A type of shirt
₫400,000 (2 of 15) - Not Timed
Which of these is the official currency of the European Union?
⬥ A: Dollar
⬥ B: Pound sterling
⬥ C: Peso
⬥ D: Euro
₫600,000 (3 of 15) - Not Timed
Laos is a country belongs to which area?
⬥ A: North Asia
⬥ B: Middle Asia
⬥ C: Southeast Asia
⬥ D: West Asia
₫1,000,000 (4 of 15) - Not Timed
There is a folk saying: "Nặng bị đứt ..."?
⬥ A: Phựt
⬥ B: Quai
⬥ C: Hết
⬥ D: Gãy
This saying means "for being too greedy should suffer the consequences".
₫2,000,000 (5 of 15) - Not Timed
The capital of Spain is which city?
⬥ A: Mardid
⬥ B: Ulaanbaatar
⬥ C: Moscow
⬥ D: Berlin
₫3,000,000 (6 of 15) - Not Timed
Which of these leaves does not exist in reality?
⬥ A: Almond
⬥ B: Tamarind
⬥ C: Sấu (Dracontomelon)
⬥ D: Diêu bông (Hollyhock)
₫6,000,000 (7 of 15) - Not Timed
Hữu Tiệp Lake is another name for which lake in Hanoi? "Ask Three of the Audience" lifeline used
⬥ A: Ngọc Khánh Lake
⬥ B: Ba Mẫu Lake
⬥ C: Ngọc Hà Lake
⬥ D: Thiền Quang Lake
Ask Three of the Audience Results: C - C - C.
₫10,000,000 (8 of 15) - Not Timed
The world's largest rainforest runs along which river basin?
⬥ A: Danube
⬥ B: Volga
⬥ C: Nile
⬥ D: Amazon
₫14,000,000 (9 of 15) - Not Timed
In the painting "Ngũ Hổ" (Five Tigers) of the Hàng Trống folk painting series, which color do the tigers not have? "Phone-a-Friend", "50:50" and "Ask the Audience" lifelines used
⬥ A: Green
⬥ B: Grey
⬥ C: Yellow
⬥ D: Red
Ask the Audience Results: B: 81% ⬥ ⬥ D: 19%
Phone-a-Friend partner: Lâm Thị Phương (her answer: C, not sure).
₫22,000,000 (10 of 15) - Not Timed
The sound of the pestle pounding rice in the song "Tiếng chày trên sóc Bom Bo" (The sound of the pestle on the Bom Bo squirrel) belongs to which ethnic group?
⬥ A: S'tiêng
⬥ B: Chơ Ro
⬥ C: Hrê
⬥ D: Mạ
Ngọc Sơn decided to walk away and won ₫14,000,000. His guess would have been C, but the right answer was A.