Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Wiki

Minh Thư, a Vietnamese singer, was a celebrity contestant on Ai Là Triệu Phú (2015 New Year and 10th Anniversary Special) and won ₫22.000.000.


200,000₫ (1 of 15) - Not timed
Which of the following is the name of a famous novel?
⬥ A: Dream of the Green Chamber ⬥ B: Dream of the Purple Chamber
⬥ C: Dream of the Red Chamber ⬥ D: Dream of the Orange Chamber
400,000₫ (2 of 15) - Not timed
According to the Southern dialect, the act of blanching raw vegetables over hot water is called?
⬥ A: Rang (Roast) ⬥ B: Nướng (Grill)
⬥ C: Rán (Fry) ⬥ D: Trụng
600,000₫ (3 of 15) - Not timed
Which of the following is a famous tourist destination?
⬥ A: Tai Né (dodging ears) ⬥ B: Mũi Né (dodging noses)
⬥ C: Miệng Né (dodging mouths) ⬥ D: Tóc Né (dodging hair)
1,000,000₫ (4 of 15) - Not timed
Finish the following singing verse: Dad love me because I look like my mom. Mom love me because I look like .....?
⬥ A: Neighbor ⬥ B: Uncle next door
⬥ C: Dad ⬥ D: Man who lived in the beginning of the lane
This was a prank question. The given singing verse came from a children song.