Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Wiki

Maria Romanek, a 63-year-old retired Polish teacher from Bezmiechowa Dolna, was the second top prize winner of Milionerzy and the first female winner in Poland.


Fastest Finger First Question

Fastest Finger First question
Put the words of Hermit from Adam Mickiewicz's IV part of "Forefathers' Eve" in correct order
⬥ A: i noc ma spokojną, ⬥ B: ten żyje szczęśliwy,
⬥ C: i dzień nietęskliwy. ⬥ D: Kto miłosci nie zna,
From 6 contestants, 3 got it right, but Maria (in 4.89 seconds) was the fastest to answer D-B-A-C, making it to the Hot Seat.
Maria Romanek's FFF

Maria was the fastest and begins her quest to win 1 000 000 zł.

Maria's Run to the Million

500 zł (1 of 12) - Not timed
What will sooth nerves and substitute lemon?
⬥ A: lemon balm ⬥ B: pepper mint
⬥ C: greater celandine ⬥ D: allspice
1000 zł (2 of 12) - Not timed
In the song of "2+1" band there is a suggestion: "Chodź, pomaluj mój świat..." (Come, paint my world...):
⬥ A: "...let it look like flower" ⬥ B: "...I'm fed up with grey bars"
⬥ C: "...yellow and blue" ⬥ D: "...because it's today below-the-line"
Maria's 1000 zł win

Maria, without any problems, wins 1 000 zł.

2000 zł (3 of 12) - Not timed
What is traditional mean of transport of Amishes?
⬥ A: motorboat ⬥ B: horse-drawn cart
⬥ C: snowmobile ⬥ D: motorcycle
5000 zł (4 of 12) - Not timed
Sprout grown from ungrafted plant is:
⬥ A: cat or dog ⬥ B: wolf or wild boar
⬥ C: horse or cow ⬥ D: ram or goat
10 000 zł (5 of 12) - Not timed
Titled "pack" from serial directed by Kasia Adamik is/are:
⬥ A: wolf family ⬥ B: Russian spies
⬥ C: border guards ⬥ D: refugees from East
20 000 zł (6 of 12) - Not timed
In "pick-a-stick" game, the most common type of stick is:
⬥ A: paddle ⬥ B: boat hook
⬥ C: trident ⬥ D: javelin
40 000 zł (7 of 12) - Not timed
In which battle had popular in Poland and Scotland corporal bear Wojtek took part?
⬥ A: of Grunwald ⬥ B: of Vienna
⬥ C: of Monte Cassino ⬥ D: of England
Maria's 40 000 zł win

Maria knew that Wojtek took part in Battle of Monte Cassino, and wins 40 000 zł.

75 000 zł (8 of 12) - Not timed
Aorta comes out from left ventricle of heart and ends in:
'Ask The Audience' lifeline used
⬥ A: right ventricle ⬥ B: enteric fever
⬥ C: lungs ⬥ D: brain
Ask the Audience Results: A: 12% ⬥ B: 52% ⬥ C: 34% ⬥ D: 2%
Maria didn't know that, so she decided to use her first lifeline - Ask the Audience. Most of the audience voted B, so Maria made it as her final answer. And it was right answer. After this question klaxon called time and Maria would return on 75 000 zł with 2 lifelines remaining.
Maria's ATA

The audience wasn't sure... but they were sure enough to let Maria win 75 000 zł.

125 000 zł (9 of 12) - Not timed
Who is an author of these two books: "Książka, którą napisałem, żeby mieć na dziwki i narkotyki" (Book I wrote to have money for sluts and drugs) and "Książka którą napisałem, żeby mieć na odwyk" (Book I wrote to have money for detox)?
'Phone-A-Friend' lifeline used
⬥ A: Marek Raczkowski ⬥ B: Maciej Maleńczuk
⬥ C: Kamil Durczok ⬥ D: Witkacy
Maria thought, that it might be Marek Raczkowski, but she was not sure. She decided to call her daughter, Katarzyna. She immediately answered A, what helped her mother to win 125 000 zł.
250 000 zł (10 of 12) - Not timed
What sign is the Euro stylised in?:
'50:50' lifeline used
⬥ A: beta ⬥ B: theta
⬥ C: eta ⬥ D: epsilon
Maria was stuck between C and D, so she decided to use her last lifeline - 50:50. Despite she wasn't sure, she made D as her final answer and won quarter of a million.
500 000 zł (11 of 12) - Not timed
For 30 pieces of silver, high priests bought Potter's Field. What was there?
⬥ A: olive plantation ⬥ B: lions enlosure
⬥ C: burial ground for foreigners ⬥ D: marketplace
During this question, Maria used deductive logic. Because she knew, that this is money of Judas, who hanged himself, so this money could not be used for something good. She also said, that she will not play for money, but for "proving something to herself".
Maria's 1 000 000 zł win

Maria wins 1 000 000 zł and becomes the second winner in Milionerzy's history and the first female winner.

1 000 000 zł (12 of 12) - Not Timed
How much is 1111 multiplied by 1111, if 1 multiplied by 1 is 1 and 11 multiplied by 11 is 121?
⬥ A: 12 321 ⬥ B: 1 234 321
⬥ C: 111 111 111 ⬥ D: 123 454 321


  • Maria was also a Phone-A-Friend to her daughter in episode 31 of series 11.
  • Maria's top prize win was a week shy of 8 years after Krzysztof Wójcik's top prize win.
  • She is the first woman to win the Top Prize under the 12-question format worldwide.[citation needed]
  • Her win was her second try on Milionerzy. In episode 16 of series 12, Maria lost in the only FFF competition of that episode.
  • Maria said that she will use for herself only a small part of winnings. The rest of the money will be destined for charity purposes.[1]



Preceded by
Karol Sawko
PL contestant (Series 13)
Maria Romanek
Succeeded by
Aleksander Marzec
Preceded by
Krzysztof Wójcik
PL Top Prize Winners
Maria Romanek
Succeeded by
Katarzyna Kant-Wysocka