Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Wiki

Lê Thanh Tùng, was a contestant on Ai Là Triệu Phú in November 3 and 10, 2020. He answered the 8th question wrong and won ₫2,000,000.


Lê Thanh Tùng's Run to ₫150,000,000[]

₫200,000 (1 of 15) - Not Timed
According to the Vietnamese dictionary, which of the following words is used to describe radiant beauty?
⬥ A: Bóng gió ⬥ B: Bóng bẩy
⬥ C: Bóng ném ⬥ D: Bóng đè

₫400,000 (2 of 15) - Not Timed
What is a unit of distance in astronomy?
⬥ A: Five continents and four tanks ⬥ B: Year of the same month
⬥ C: Light year ⬥ D: Leap year

₫600,000 (3 of 15) - Not Timed
What art is mentioned in the song: "Anh về Kinh Bắc quê em/ Mà nghe ..., mà xem làng nghề (I'm going back to Beijing, my hometown / Listen..., and watch the trade village.)"?
⬥ A: Ví, giặm (Wallet, stamp) ⬥ B: Cải lương
⬥ C: Quan họ ⬥ D: Chầu văn (Adoration)

₫1,000,000 (4 of 15) - Not Timed
In an 11-man soccer team, which of the following shirts is usually worn for the goalkeeper?
⬥ A: 1 ⬥ B: 7
⬥ C: 9 ⬥ D: 10

₫2,000,000 (5 of 15) - Not Timed
What picture is printed on the front cover of the current ordinary Vietnamese passport?
⬥ A: National flag ⬥ B: Lotus flower
⬥ C: National emblem ⬥ D: Quốc Tử Giám
The klaxon called time and Thanh Tùng will return for the next episode with all of his 4 lifelines remaining.

₫3,000,000 (6 of 15) - Not Timed
Which country is the home of instant noodles?
⬥ A: Vietnam ⬥ B: China
⬥ C: Japan ⬥ D: Korea

₫6,000,000 (7 of 15) - Not Timed
Which rays on the market emit antibacterial rays to get the most effect?
"Ask Two Experts" lifeline used
⬥ A: Infrared rays ⬥ B: UV rays
⬥ C: X-rays ⬥ D: Gamma rays
The two experts' (Nguyễn Như Mai and Trần Thành Nam) answer: B

₫10,000,000 (8 of 15) - Not Timed
The character Nguyễn Thành Luân in the film "Ván bài lật ngửa (Face-to-face)" takes the prototype from which intelligence agent?
"50:50" lifeline used
⬥ A: Phạm Ngọc Thảo ⬥ B: Vũ Ngọc Nhạ
⬥ C: Phạm Xuân Ấn ⬥ D: Trần Quốc Hương