Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Wiki

Dr. Candace Weddle, from Los Angeles, California, was a contestant on Season 9 of the U.S. version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? on April 12, 2011. She won $14,000.

She was inspired to become an archaeologist, primarily because she grew up watching Indiana Jones. Candace also loved digging in her grandfather's backyard and finding Indian artifacts.


Round 1[]

$2,000 (1 of 14) - Not Timed
Category: Singing Pairs
The duo known as Sonny and Cher once performed as a duo with what couple-inspired name?
'Ask the Audience' and 'Jump the Question' lifelines used
⬥ A: Sam and Delilah ⬥ B: Caesar and Cleo
⬥ C: Harry and Ozzi ⬥ D: Lady and Tramp
Ask the Audience Results: A: 23% ⬥ B: 40% ⬥ C: 10% ⬥ D: 27%
After asking the audience, Candace does not believe the stats are good enough, so she jumps this question. The correct answer was B: Caesar and Cleo, the majority vote.

Candace's Bank: $0

$500 (2 of 14) - Not Timed
Category: Warning Signs
The tick bites that cause Lyme disease typically form a reddish rash with what distinctive shape?
'Jump the Question' lifeline used
⬥ A: Hourglass ⬥ B: Star
⬥ C: Crescent moon ⬥ D: Bull's-eye
Unsure on this question as well, Candace jumps. D: Bull's-eye was the right answer.

Candace's Bank: $0

$3,000 (3 of 14) - Not Timed
Category: Wiener Time
Hot dogs are also called "wieners" because they resemble sausages made in the capital of what European country?
⬥ A: Poland ⬥ B: Belgium
⬥ C: Austria ⬥ D: Hungary
Candace's Bank: $3,000
$25,000 (4 of 14) - Not Timed
Category: War Strategy
As part of Operation Wandering Soul in the Vietnam War, the U.S. attempted to scare opposing forces by doing what?
⬥ A: Playing eerie sounds ⬥ B: Dyeing water supplies
⬥ C: Releasing foul odors ⬥ D: Causing seismic tremors
Candace's Bank: $28,000
$? (5 of 14) - Not Timed
Category: Questions Questions
Responding to his critics, LeBron James repeatedly asks what question in a 2010 Nike commercial titled "Rise"?
⬥ A: What should I do? ⬥ B: Who am I?
⬥ C: When does it stop? ⬥ D: What's it gonna take?
Candace says it could be any one of the options, so she stops playing. The correct answer was A: What should I do?

Her remaining categories would have been Fashion Statement, Sound of Gossip, U.S. Monuments, Famous Trials, and Guy Problems.

Total Winnings: $14,000

