Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Wiki

Bryan Duray, a graduate from the Univ. of Illinois and aspiring teacher from Northlake, Illinois, was a contestant who appeared on the U.S. version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? on September 14, 2000. He walked away with $64,000.


Fastest Finger Question[]

Fastest Finger Question
Put these historic U.S. legal trials in chronological order, starting with the earliest.
⬥ A: Chicago Seven ⬥ B: Clinton Impeachment
⬥ C: Oliver North ⬥ D: Patty Hearst
The correct answer was A-D-C-B. Out of 10 contestants, 3 got right. Bryan got it right in the fastest time at 4.46 seconds.

Bryan’s Run to the Million[]

$100 (1 of 15) - Not Timed
What snack food name also means “a person of superior ability”?
⬥ A: Chee-tos ⬥ B: Ho Hos
⬥ C: Cracker Jack ⬥ D: Meat Loaf
$200 (2 of 15) - Not Timed
It is sometimes said that someone who has died has “bought the” what?
⬥ A: Farm ⬥ B: Turkey
⬥ C: Wagon ⬥ D: Bacon cheeseburger
$300 (3 of 15) - Not Timed
In the U.S., where on the body is an engagement ring traditionally worn?
“Ask the Audience” lifeline used
⬥ A: Right hand ⬥ B: Left hand
⬥ C: Bellybutton ⬥ D: Adam’s apple
Ask the Audience Results: A: 10% ⬥ B: 88% ⬥ C: 0% ⬥ D: 2%
$500 (4 of 15) - Not Timed
On the TV show “Wheel of Fortune,” players lose their money after landing on what space on the wheel?
⬥ A: Out of Luck ⬥ B: Failure
⬥ C: Prison ⬥ D: Bankrupt
$1,000 (5 of 15) - Not Timed
What part of an automobile do the letters “ABS” most often refer to?
⬥ A: Brakes ⬥ B: Carburetor
⬥ C: Air bag ⬥ D: Transmission
$2,000 (6 of 15) - Not Timed
According to the 1978 song The Gambler, “You never” do what “when you’re sitting at the table”?
⬥ A: Shuffle your cards ⬥ B: Talk to the dealer
⬥ C: Count your money ⬥ D: Turn your back
$4,000 (7 of 15) - Not Timed
By definition, what is a donnybrook?
⬥ A: Fight ⬥ B: Pond
⬥ C: Hat ⬥ D: Deer
$8,000 (8 of 15) - Not Timed
Which of the following continents does not have a natural rain forest?
⬥ A: South America ⬥ B: Africa
⬥ C: Europe ⬥ D: Asia
$16,000 (9 of 15) - Not Timed
Which of these Dr. Seuss characters says, “I speak for the trees”?
“Phone-a-Friend” and “50:50” lifelines used
⬥ A: The Oobleck ⬥ B: Yertle
⬥ C: Bartholomew Cubbins ⬥ D: The Lorax
Bryan is not good with Dr. Seuss books. So he calls his friend Adam, a law student from Indiana.

Adam is not certain either, but the only character he is familiar with The Lorax.

Bryan then decides to use 50:50, which leaves Yertle and The Lorax. Bryan decides to go with D: The Lorax and wins $16,000.

$32,000 (10 of 15) - Not Timed
Which of the following 1977 movies beat “Star Wars” for the Best Picture Academy Award?
⬥ A: Julia ⬥ B: Annie Hall
⬥ C: The Goodbye Girl ⬥ D: Saturday Night Fever
$64,000 (11 of 15) - Not Timed
The Persian Gulf War officially lasted how many days until the cessation of hostilities?
⬥ A: 12 days ⬥ B: 43 days
⬥ C: 104 days ⬥ D: 251 days
$125,000 (12 of 15) - Not Timed
The world “reptile” comes from a Latin word for what?
⬥ A: To creep ⬥ B: To attack
⬥ C: To regenerate ⬥ D: To stare
Bryan is not sure, so he decides to quit with $64,000.

If he had to guess, he would have guessed D: To stare, which is incorrect. The correct answer was A: To creep.

Total Prize Money: $64,000


Preceded by
Tom Wheltle
U.S. Contestant (Season 1)
Bryan Duray
Succeeded by
Stephen Healey