Billy Baldwin, an actor and one of the Baldwin brothers from New York City, New York, was a contestant on the U.S. version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? during the 4th Celebrity Week on November 26, 2001. Billy won $250,000 for his charity, The New York Times 9/11 Neediest Fund.
Billy asked the audience, a majority of whom voted for C. He made that his final answer, winning $125,000.
$250,000 (13 of 15) - Not Timed
In April 1964, what fictional character got his own zip code due to the thousands of letters sent to him each year? 'Phone-a-Friend' and '50:50' lifelines used
⬥ A: Snoopy
⬥ B: Superman
⬥ C: Smokey Bear
⬥ D: Ronald McDonald
Billy decides to Stella, a dean at a college. Stella does not give any answer.
Billy then decides to use the 50:50, which leaves Snoopy and Smokey Bear.
Billy decides to go with C: Smokey Bear, and he wins $250,000.
$500,000 (14 of 15) - Not Timed
The first commercial radio broadcast of U.S. presidential election returns was for what election?
⬥ A: Harding-Cox
⬥ B: Taft-Bryan
⬥ C: Hoover-Smith
⬥ D: Roosevelt-Hoover
Billy has no clue, so he walks with $250,000 for his charity.
The correct answer was A: Harding-Cox.
Total Prize Money: $250,000
Billy's $500,000 question had the first instance of the question value showing up on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Preceded by None
U.S. Contestant (4th Celebrity Week) Billy Baldwin