- "So here's what I think: I hate cricket." - Jeremy Clarkson
- "I hate Ask the Host! Why is Ask the Host— Regis never had to do this!" - Jimmy Kimmel
Ask the Host is a lifeline that was originally introduced in the unlicensed Thai version of the show. The lifeline allows contestants to ask the host to see what answer the host thinks is right.
The lifeline was introduced in the UK as part of the 2018 revival and subsequently in other countries. As the hosts aren't given the correct answer until the contestant says, "Final Answer", they will have to make a guess before the contestant says "Final Answer" with their general knowledge.

Ask the Host, alongside 50:50, Phone-A-Friend and Ask the Audience in the 2018 revival's money tree.
This lifeline is available for all questions in all versions that it appears in. When the lifeline is used, the host first says, "Here's what I think", after which they have virtually unlimited time to talk about what they think is the correct answer. After the host finishes by saying "final answer", the contestant will have to make a decision. If the contestant answers the question, the host has to verbally command the computer to reveal the answer to both of them, as opposed to it being revealed first to the host, then dramatically revealed to the contestant afterwards.
In the Thai version, the contestant can choose what answer they think might be correct (they can pick up to two answers, or let the host do it), and then the host can remove two wrong answers. If the contestant's answer is correct, the host will remove the other two wrong answers that the contestant didn't pick. If the contestant's answer is incorrect, the host will remove both of the mentioned answers.

Promotional material showing the Ask the Host icon for each international version.
The icon of this lifeline bears the facial silhouette or shape of the host of that specific version. For example: the UK version of this lifeline has the head silhouette of host Jeremy Clarkson, the US version has the head of host Jimmy Kimmel, and so on.
The Millionaire board games use a generic ATH icon: a speech bubble with a question mark inside (which was also the icon of Plus One in Italy and Spain), while some video game adaptations made after 2018 use another generic icon: a seat.
- According to Jeremy Clarkson, he is a bit worried because he may be the reason the contestant left with nothing. He later went on an interview with Dock10 Studios asking contestants to do research about his background before coming onto the show so that they could use the lifeline more effectively.
- Sometimes, if a contestant didn't (or couldn't) use Ask the Host on a difficult question, Clarkson would mention that he actually knew the answer to the question after it had been answered or walked away from.
- Rumours about the lifeline appearing in the 2018 revival comes from Matthew Strachan posting Millionaire cues, mentioning Ask the Host.
- This lifeline also appeared on two parodies of Ai Là Triệu Phú in Vietnam. Contestant Kim Lành used this lifeline on the 2nd question. However, the host would automatically read the correct answer, and the contestant did not have to make a decision. After that, this lifeline was re-used in a skit involving Ai Là Triệu Phú in VTV Awards 2015.
- On the January 16th, 2021, episode of Kto khochet stat' millionerom?, host Dmitry Dibrov wore a shirt that depicts the Ask the Host logo with his face on it.
- In a teaser for the 2023 season of the Russian version, a contestant asks if Ask the Host was still a lifeline in this season, which it isn't.
- During US version's 2024 season, Jimmy Kimmel got the chance to help the contestants on a final question. Ike and Alan Barinholtz had used Ask the Audience before asking him personally. After Jimmy gave his final answer, they decided to lock it in. Thanks to Jimmy's fateful decision, the Barinholtz family won $1,000,000, becoming the second top prize winners of Kimmel's era.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? lifelines |
50:50 • Phone-a-Friend • Ask the Audience • Switch the Question • Ask the Nation • Double Dip • Three Wise Men • Ask One of the Audience • Ask Three of the Audience • Ask the Expert • Ask the Star • Jump the Question • People Speak • Crystal Ball • Plus One • Cut the Question • Extra Help • Power Paplu • Code Red • Chat Room • Ask the Host • Two Wise Men • Ask A Friend |
Millionaire Hot Seat: Pass • 50:50 • Switch the Question • Ask A Friend • Phone-a-Friend • Ask the Host |
Show do Milhão: Cards |